Sara Cordeiro
Sara Cordeiro is a Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the School of Pharmacy at De Montfort University (Leicester, UK). Following a PharmD from the University of Porto (Portugal) and a PhD in Drug Research and Development from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast (Belfast, UK). Throughout these years, Sara has developed a background in pharmaceutical formulation, drug delivery, nanomedicine, vaccine delivery and microneedles for transdermal drug delivery and diagnostics. Currently, she is establishing her independent research group with a focus on improving and facilitating patients’ lives through the development of drug and vaccine delivery systems that are easy to manufacture and scale-up, highly efficient and administered through non-invasive routes. Sara is also a Board Member at the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UK), Editor-in-Chief of the Controlled Release Society (CRS) Newsletter, eMedia Lead for the CRS Women in Science group and former CRS YSC Chair (20/21).
Juan Luis Paris
Juan Luis Paris obtained his PhD in Pharmacy from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, Spain) in 2017. His PhD thesis focused on stimuli-responsive nanoparticles for cancer therapy. During his PhD
training, he completed two research stays abroad: at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School (USA) in 2016 and at the University of Oxford (England) in 2017. Afterwards, he was a Ramón Areces postdoctoral fellow at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL, in Portugal), working on soft nanomaterials for biomedicine. Subsequently
he was awarded a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship, which he carried out at IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND (Málaga, Spain), working on nanoparticles for allergy diagnosis and therapy. As part of this fellowship, he was also a visiting scholar at Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland) in 2022, working on microneedles for allergy immunotherapy.
Since January 2023, he is a Ramón y Cajal researcher at IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, with an independent research line focused on nanoparticles for therapeutic immunomodulation.
Elisa García García
Elisa Garcia Garcia is very interested in developing talent at academic institutions at different levels. From the individual level, supporting young researchers providing them with career counseling, informative talks, and courses, to the institutional level, shaping career development policies and strategies.
During her scientific career, she has realized that not only hard work and passion for knowledge are important for a successful scientific career, but also an enriched environment, where high-quality training is provided, and interaction among peers is facilitated. She always actively promotes this environment, as she performs her scientific activity. Indeed, at the early stages of her career, as a Senator of Universidad Autonoma of Madrid (UAM) and a representative of the Young Researcher Association (FJI), she participated in advocating for resources and policies that enhance academic and working conditions for graduate students and junior postdoctoral researchers. Through these activities and in her daily laboratory life, she learnt and perfectionated critical thinking, analytical skills, communication, conflict resolution, negotiation and strategic thinking in scientific and non-scientific paradigms.
Her scientific career led her to work in different highly competitive Institutions in UK, USA and Germany. There, she was exposed to an international and pro-active environment, where working with other international colleges gave her the capacity to analyze and tackle problems from different perspectives and celebrate diversity.
Nowadays, she continues participating in the academic scientific system in a dual fashion. At the scientist’s level, assisting scientists through career counselling, leading interactive workshops on career development and providing information through posts on blogs and websites. And at the institutional level, tailoring career programs, bridging and collaborating with other institutions and influencing career and scientific policies.