Abstract submission

A registration is mandatory after abstract acceptance.  Please download the abstract template (.docx) and follow all formatting instructions listed therein.

To ensure consistency, we kindly ask that all abstracts follow the Abstract template. Submissions that do not adhere to the format may not be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation!

The abstract file (.doc/.docx/.pdf format) should be saved using the following ID as file name: “Abstract_Name Surname” (eg. Abstract_María Silva).

Each participant can submit only one abstract.

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Communication Guidelines

  • Oral Communications must not exceed 7 minutes in length, and will be followed by 3 minutes discussion.


Speed Talks

  • Speed talks must not exceed 3 minutes in length (1 Slide with Poster number indication)


Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Posters must be placed in the assigned support during the registration period and removed at the end of the event;
  • A0 Format (84,1 x 118,9 cm)


Important dates


If you experience any issues or have any other questions, please contact us  at crs.splc.ysc@gmail.com